Listen to the Non Gendered Fitness Podcast!

Explore how you can support your medical transition, take steps in your non medical transition, create a better connection with your body, live authentically and give the middle finger to the patriarchy and modern beauty standards by moving your body however you are able to.

Our discussions include physical activity, realistic approaches to eating, mindful practices, transitioning medically and non medically and shedding light on damaging trends and standards set by fitness industry. Subscribe for free on iTunes, on your android device and on Spotify.

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[Episode 76] How Do Muscles Grow

[Episode 76] How Do Muscles Grow

In this episode we will be continuing on with our look at important things you need to know about the body. Next in this mini-series, we talk about the question, ‘how do muscles grow?’     Because one of the most common things I hear folks say when they...

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[Episode 72] Understanding Beginner Gains

[Episode 72] Understanding Beginner Gains

In this episode we will be talking about getting started with training again and understanding beginner gains. This is the quick progress that a person will often make when they first start training. It's why you’ll see so many trainers out there promising you big...

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[Episode 71] Training Can Feel Weird

[Episode 71] Training Can Feel Weird

In this episode we will be exploring how getting started with training can feel weird. Specifically how awkward, uncomfortable, and even embarrassing moving our bodies can be. Now it’s really not spoken about very often, how weird some movements are. And I’ve worked...

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[Episode 69] How Do I Know If Im Non Binary?

[Episode 69] How Do I Know If Im Non Binary?

In this episode we’re gonna be talking about being non binary. In particular, what it means to be non binary. Because I have spoken with a bunch of folks about this and I see it pop up so much online, with folks sharing how they aren’t sure if they are non binary or...

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[Episode 68] Will Training Make My Hips Bigger?

[Episode 68] Will Training Make My Hips Bigger?

In this episode I’m gonna be answering a really common question that I get asked from folks wanting to get into some training. And this is, will training make my hips bigger? Some of us will train for different reasons, all of which are perfectly fine! And so is...

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[Episode 67] Can Training Reduce My Chest Size?

[Episode 67] Can Training Reduce My Chest Size?

In this episode I’m gonna be answering a really common question that I get asked when folks come to train with me. And that is, can training make my chest smaller? And I totally get the desire to reduce the size of your chest especially for folks who may not want top...

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[Episode 66] There Is No Such Thing As A Cheat Movement

[Episode 66] There Is No Such Thing As A Cheat Movement

In this episode we will be busting yet another training myth and that is that there are “cheat” moves when it comes to training. What I mean by that is movements that trainers tell their clients are “cheating” because it’s not done the “right” or “hardest” way. I’ve...

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[Episode 63] Coming Out

[Episode 63] Coming Out

In this episode seeing as it is pride month, we’re gonna have a bit of a look at coming out. Coming out and being visible is a really important thing for some folks. It helps them feel connected to something bigger than themselves. And it helps them to feel freer to...

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[Episode 60] We Are More Than Our Labels

[Episode 60] We Are More Than Our Labels

  In this episode I wanted to have a look at identity. In particular the labels that we put on ourselves. Now I know that our labels can be helpful for us to language our identity. And I see so many folks online asking about their identities and how to define...

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[Episode 54] How I Learned To Enjoy Cardio Training

[Episode 54] How I Learned To Enjoy Cardio Training

 In this episode we will be looking at cardio training From all my years as a coach it is consistently the one form of training that most people dread and I used to be one of those people too. Now just to be clear, this is not an episode where I try to convince you...

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[Episode 53] The Many Benefits Of Body Fat

[Episode 53] The Many Benefits Of Body Fat

In this episode we will be looking at the benefits of body fat. Because having fat on our bodies is totally normal and totally ok. The one sided narrative pushed by general social standards that fat is bad, unattractive, unhealthy or unneeded are just fucked and not a...

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[Episode 51] Preparing Your Body For Top Surgery

[Episode 51] Preparing Your Body For Top Surgery

 In this episode we will be looking at how you can physically prepare for top surgery or chest reduction. There are many factors involved in preparing for top surgery. It’s a pretty impactful experience on our bodies. When it comes to top surgery or having a chest...

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[Episode 47] Lessons Learned From Being Misgendered

[Episode 47] Lessons Learned From Being Misgendered

In this episode we will be exploring Pronouns and the huge impact they can have on our lives both positively and negatively Our pronouns are usually one of the first things that we change about ourselves when we begin to socially transition. And during this time, it...

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[Episode 46] How To Motivate Yourself To Train

[Episode 46] How To Motivate Yourself To Train

In this episode we’ll be looking at what deep down motivates us to make the choices to begin training or moving our bodies. Knowing our WHY is the most important part of getting moving in whatever way. It becomes the reason we keep doing what we’re doing, long term....

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[Episode 45] Wrapping Up 2020

[Episode 45] Wrapping Up 2020

In this episode I will be wrapping up the year. This is my final episode of 2020. This has been a really big year for pretty much everyone in the world really. I began the podcast, because I wanted to be able to help TGD folks anywhere in the world get access to ways...

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[Episode 33] Getting Active On Your Terms

[Episode 33] Getting Active On Your Terms

In this episode we will be exploring how getting active doesn’t mean that there is something “wrong” with how you are right now. The fitness industry loves to put emphasis on how the more active a person is, the better they are as a person. Here’s the truth…. Your...

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[Episode 31] You Don’t Need To Diet

[Episode 31] You Don’t Need To Diet

In this episode we will be looking at just how outdated calorie counting and the diet culture really is.  We’ll be taking a little look at the history of dieting and how it’s turned into an industry of body shaming, fat shaming, stereotyping bodies, racism and body...

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[Episode 19] Finding Our Power In Pride

[Episode 19] Finding Our Power In Pride

In this episode we will be exploring Pride. June is Pride month and I think considering the current goings on in the world that it’s super important to acknowledge our LGBTQIA+ community and particularly the courage of trans women of colour and queer women like Martha...

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[Episode 14] Using Stretch To Reduce Your Anxiety

[Episode 14] Using Stretch To Reduce Your Anxiety

In this episode we will be taking a deeper look at stretching. We’ll be checking out how it benefits our body, aids with training recovery and has huge implications in reducing stress and anxiety. Stretching is not always comfortable or exciting. It could even be see…

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[Episode 11] It’s OK To Do Nothing

[Episode 11] It’s OK To Do Nothing

This week Non Gendered Fitness is taking a mini break. I get that self care is super important and it’s something we share with you often. This week, I’m practicing exactly what I speak about. With so much intense stuff going on in our individuals lives and around the...

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[Episode 09] How To Train From Home

[Episode 09] How To Train From Home

Today we looked at how you can train at home during self isolation. I get that it’s a pretty ploppin stressful time we’re collectively going through right now. In the past week, I’ve had a bunch of folks reach out asking about how training at home or joining our onli…

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[Episode 08] 4 Ways To Reduce Stress

[Episode 08] 4 Ways To Reduce Stress

Today we are looking at how to reduce your stress levels. This is a big one pals. With the current global circumstances being what they are, it’s important that we practice a little stress management. This is not to say don’t feel stressed, it’s totally valid to be s…

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[Episode 07] Never Give Up

[Episode 07] Never Give Up

In this episode we are joined by special guest Zay Canters (They/Them). Zay shares with us, their experiences with exploring their gender identity, transitioning, the relationship they have with their body and physical activity, plus a bunch of great insights that th…

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Today we’re talking all about chest binding. Chest binding, more commonly referred to as binding, is a super affirming practice used by some trans and gender diverse folks, who were assumed female at birth. Binding is the act of wearing compressive items of clothing to

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Today’s show is all about mindful eating. Now before I go further I want to assure you that I’m not going to be telling you what to eat, whether a food is good or bad or that you should change anything that you are doing. There is a lot of harmful talk around food and t

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In today’s show I’ll be exploring transitioning and physical activity as a non medical pathway. This is a subject that is very close to my heart. I have used physical activity not just to shape my body but also to connect with it. Getting physically active has helped me

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My name is Bowie Stover. I’m a personal trainer and I’m also non binary. I’m also co founder of Non Gendered Fitness which is an online fitness, nutrition and mindset coaching enterprise based out of Melbourne, Australia. We work with queer, trans and gender div

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