Alexand Colisimo
NGF Client
Part 5 – Festy Season
Hello and welcome to festy season!
Yes, it’s that time of year where we have anxious breakdowns about the world literally ending, the future being terrifying and going yet another year without seeing our relatives. Hazzah!
In lighter news, festival season has well and truly begun, and I’m on a win streak already! I’ve spent the past week in vastly different festival/natural settings, meaning I did next to no training, but a heck of a lot of partying, so I guess it’s not so bad? I remember seeing a really, really, really conventionally sexy looking man near our camp do his morning meditation each day despite likely being cooked, tripping, or fried in some other way. I found it really kind of inspiring, but I didn’t really take the cosmic hint at all ahaha! Ego deaths, vast miles travelled, many things imbibed, workshops, and lots of love later, and I managed to train today without exploding.
Bowie said we’d have something fun planned this week, naturally I was foolishly excited at the prospect of some form of game, alas I was sorely mistaken, sorely being the operative word here… It was “lift weights heavier than ever before with severely underdeveloped muscle groups” day, at least it felt that way. Apparently my body moved pretty well, we adjusted the sets accordingly as it became increasingly obvious that this was the hardest training session I’d encountered so far. I didn’t feel weak though, I felt really damn challenged, but supported.
My arms may be jelly right now, and my heart a bit tender from exhaustion post festivals, but I hope I can maintain this kind of resilience through holiday season. As queer people, sometimes this season is really brutal, well, for everyone really. I hope you all have the support I’ve been blessed with recently, it’s the difference between laughing through the strain and the very worst imaginable.
I’m not so much keen on the New Year as I am kind of relieved that this huge one can be rested. I have a long to do list before then though! Yikes! Hopefully I can remain organized enough to get everything sorted, surely this new training program will help me progress through it with a heightened tolerance fr discomfort?
If I’ve made it this far, surely I’ve got a way to go, and surely I will make it much further!
I believe in you and I believe in me too!
Find a reason to celebrate, and may all your doofs be siiiiiiiiiqqqqq! 😉
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