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Core Strength and Mobility 01


46 minutes




N/A - Bodyweight

Training Session Description

A follow-along pilates-style class to work your core and leave you feeling refreshed and work, but not completely wrecked!

Join in and do what you can. Remember to take breaks when you need and don’t feel like you need to do everything perfectly or the way Bowie does!

These classes run live every week and are Pay As You Feel.

If you’d like to join the live class we would love for you to come a join along.

This is a queer and trans-affirming fitness class for queer, transgender and gender diverse folk.

Click this link to register:

What are sets and reps?


Reps is a short term for ‘repetitions’. It’s how many times you repeat the exercise. So if your trainer says “Do 10 reps of bodyweight squats”, that means you do 10x squats.


In circuit training sessions, exercises are grouped together. These groups are called, Sets and are often repeated a number of times. For example, if your trainer says to do 3 sets of a 30 second plank, a 30 second and 10x cobras… that means you do those exercises, then you repeat them for a total of 3x times.


In many training sessions, exercise and sets of exercises are grouped together to the highest level. It’s common to call these groups, Rounds. You will generally have a small break in between rounds.

**Some trainers may use sets and rounds interchangeably, but in NGF’s training, we use it this way.

Video Transcript

<p>00:00<br /> So what we're gonna do, we're gonna start finding ourselves a spot on the floor. </p> <p>00:07<br /> It doesn't matter how you lay, whether you have your knees bent or your feet, stretched out, whatever feels most comfortable for you here, so long as you're on your back. </p> <p>00:21<br /> This is how we're going to begin, if you feel the need to have a nice big stretch before you get moving, that's okay. </p> <p>00:26<br /> Sometimes I find laying down on the floor instantly makes me need to stretch out, you might find that happens for you. All good, if that is the case. </p> <p>00:38<br /> And we're gonna settle ourselves in so fidget about as you feel you need there to your inner as comfortable as possible position that you can be laying on the floor, you can take your hands and just rest them on the front of you you haven't by your side, it doesn't really matter. </p> <p>00:58<br /> We're going to take a moment here and we're just going to start by breathing, we're going to go in through the nose. Out through the mouth</p> <p>01:13<br /> again</p> <p>01:17<br /> in through the nose,</p> <p>01:22<br /> out through the mouth. One more time. Perfect.</p> <p>01:35<br /> If your knees are not bent, you're going to just bend them feet are going to come flat to the floor. </p> <p>01:42<br /> And we're going to gently roll our tail bones away from the floor and press our lower backs into the ground, you will feel a little bit of a tightening through your stomach. </p> <p>01:52<br /> So you want to almost like you're trying to gently crunch the bottom of your ribs to the tops of your hip bones there. </p> <p>01:58<br /> And this is how we want to hold this position just with a little bit of tension through our stomach to keep it nice and stable. </p> <p>02:08<br /> We're going to take one foot here, it doesn't matter which one keeping your knee bent, you're going to lift that foot up off the floor, you're going to straighten that leg up. </p> <p>02:20<br /> You're going to bend the knee and you're going to touch that heel down to the floor. Nice and slow nursing a troll we straighten the leg up. </p> <p>02:27<br /> We bend the knee, we touch the heel down to the floor nice and slow, nice and controlled, making sure you're keeping your low back pressed into the floor here. </p> <p>02:40<br /> Just waking up through our stomach muscles. </p> <p>02:42<br /> Now we want them to start really firing, really getting switched on to be able to brace. </p> <p>02:51<br /> So doing your best. keeping everything nice and tight, keeping your lower back pressed as firmly into the floor. As you feel you can. </p> <p>03:01<br /> And just going nice and slow here. We're not rushing through anything</p> <p>03:12<br /> that's the way</p> <p>03:17<br /> one or two more nicer, slow, nice control. </p> <p>03:21<br /> We're not speeding it up and then we're going to swap sides. </p> <p>03:24<br /> So this is going to be our last one. And then we're going to put that foot down and we're going to swap sides. </p> <p>03:31<br /> So we start with bring that foot away from the floor. Straighten the leg as much as you can bend the knee, heel comes down to touch the floor. </p> <p>03:40<br /> Back up, remembering again. We're staying nice and firm through a middle so your lower back is pressed nicely into the floor. </p> <p>03:48<br /> You can use the foot that of the leg that's on the floor to help with that and just gently pressing your heel into the floor is going to help with your back. staying nice and firmly against the ground and your core nice and tight. </p> <p>04:03<br /> So feel good about utilizing this supporting leg here. As you go nice and slow, nice and controlled. Everything stays tight. </p> <p>04:13<br /> You might find breathing becomes a little bit more difficult while you're bracing through the core. That's totally okay. </p> <p>04:19<br /> You will find your take a little bit of a shallow breath. In and out. Breathing in through the nose. Out through the mouth that's it. </p> <p>04:37<br /> We're gonna do three more like this. Nice and slow, nice and controlled</p> <p>04:51<br /> last one,</p> <p>04:54<br /> perfect bringing their foot down the floor. </p> <p>04:57<br /> You can just relax your stomach there for a moment if you want to stretch your arm Thumbs up</p> <p>05:00<br /> overhead. Stretch it out that little bit feel good about doing that.</p> <p>05:09<br /> When you're ready, setting yourself back up. </p> <p>05:15<br /> Again, feet of flat on the floor, we're going to roll that low backs into the floor beneath us, rolling our tailbone up, we're going to press nice and firmly through the heels. </p> <p>05:27<br /> And we're going to lift our hips up off the floor, getting to wherever you can get to. And then we're just going to hold there. </p> <p>05:33<br /> So breathing through nice and strong through the heels. And we're going to hold making sure, if you pressing firmly three heels, you're going to feel this in the backs of your upper legs and in your body. </p> <p>05:47<br /> If you're feeling it in your back, you're not pressing strongly enough with the heel. </p> <p>05:52<br /> So you may need to shift your feet a little closer. Or you may need to just focus your attention to really press firmly through your feet and might find that you're actually lifting through your middle, which can be really easy to do. </p> <p>06:05<br /> It's really odd to think that pressing down with our feet lifts our middles up, but we get the backs of our legs to do the work here. </p> <p>06:13<br /> Breathe, breathing through, in through the nose out through the mouth, it might be a little bit of a shallow breath. That's okay. </p> <p>06:21<br /> Nice and slow, nice intro, we're going to lower ourselves back down, but we're not going to go the hallway down to the ground, we're going to come to just hovering our hips above the floor if you can. </p> <p>06:29<br /> And we're going to hold in this kind of low havin position, crunching your hips towards the bottom of your ribs there. So we're still holding this. </p> <p>06:38<br /> Everything's tight through the middle, strong through the heels here. </p> <p>06:43<br /> Breathing in through the nose out through the mouth. </p> <p>06:47<br /> Holding our hips just above the floor there just with as much space as you feel comfortable.</p> <p>06:57<br /> Breathing through,</p> <p>06:59<br /> firm through the heels firm through the feet, might finally getting a little bit trembly if that's the case, that's totally okay. </p> <p>07:06<br /> Just working through of course rested, you need to be feel like you need to take that moment pause now. So good. </p> <p>07:12<br /> We're going to be holding from the 54321, we're going to allow ourselves all the way back down to the ground now.</p> <p>07:23<br /> Taking a nice breath in and out. </p> <p>07:29<br /> So we're going to go back to that first movement. But this time, if you want to make it a little bit more challenging, instead of just lifting one leg up,</p> <p>07:38<br /> you're welcome to lift both feet up off the floor, your knees might be just a little bit past 90 degrees to help you keep your lower back pressed into the floor. And we're going to straighten one leg up, bend it, and then bring the heel to the floor to sticking to that one side. Of course, if this is a little bit too much, you're welcome to keep that second leg down on the floor, using it to help support your lower back and through your core there. So if you want to have that little bit of an extra challenge this time through, feel really good about that. Nice and slow, nice and controlled, straining that leg up, bending it back down, reaching that heel down to the floor. Breathing in through the nose, out through the mouth. That's it just taking your time straighten that leg up at the top. We bring the heel off to point towards the roof, bending that knee and then reaching the heel down towards the floor. But only going so far as you can that you can maintain contact with your law back in the ground. If you find that that starts lifting away, you want to just stop going out so far down to heal stop before you get to the point where you feel your low back lifting away from the floor. We want to make sure our core is doing all the work here. straighten that leg up at the top. Lord back down, we're gonna do three more.</p> <p>09:07<br /> Second, last one. Last one.</p> <p>09:17<br /> Perfect. And we're going to swap sides, you can bring that opposite heel down to the floor. Now if you're swapping sides, or you can keep both legs hovering, and to switch the sides, heel reaches up towards the roof and then extending that leg gently keeping that little bend in the knee down to the floor. Again, only going so far as you can to maintain contact with your lower back on the floor. And it may be different on this side to your starting side. If that's the case, totally okay. Just work with where you're at. There's no right or wrong here. It can be quite common for our bodies to move differently on each side. Depending on our our hand dominance. We tend to use our dominant side more so it could sometimes be a little bit stronger. A little bit more stable than our no dominant side. There's nothing wrong with that. Which is work with each side with where it's at resting as you need as well. Don't feel like you've got to just follow along to me work within your limits with what is feeling right for you</p> <p>10:25<br /> that's the way nice and</p> <p>10:35<br /> slow, nice and controlled, we're going to do another three. No rushing here, just because we're close to the end, we want to maintain that same slow, steady pace. Second, last one.</p> <p>10:51<br /> Last one.</p> <p>10:56<br /> Come back to a starting point and then both feet and come down. Again, if you need to stretch yourself out here, point your toes reach your feet, arms come right up to the roof, get nice and along through the body.</p> <p>11:12<br /> Take that little moment.</p> <p>11:15<br /> When you're ready, bending the knees again, feet firmly on the floor, rolling your tailbone away gently from the floor so that our lower back presses in, we're going to press down with your heels and lift your hips up as high as we can there. You don't want to be overextending too much through the hips. So so if you find that you're feeling that strain in your back, it might also be because you're trying to push a little further past in a nice neutral kind of position there. With the hips were just holding strong through the heels feeling that work in the top backs of our legs through our hamstring muscles feeling it now bots here. They're big muscles, and they are really strong. And that's where we want to be targeting. For this. We don't want our lower back to be doing any of the work it is not what its job is. So we get our legs to do that by being really firmly planted with our feet. Really strong, firm pressure with our heels pushing the ground down with our feet. The byproduct of which is that our hips will lift away from the floor, holding and breathing through and through the nose, out through the mouth. You don't want to really soften too much for the middle so you don't want to exhale completely. You might have a little bit of a shorter breath here. As you do this just to maintain a little bit of tension through the torso. We breathe out completely, everything in our middle tends to kind of collapse a little that gets a bit soft, and it's harder to support our bodies in general. So breathing through, we're holding for another 54321 Then we're going to lower our hips down almost to the floor, we're going to go to that low hover again and we're holding hips just above the floor. Now wherever that may be for you. If you feel like this isn't really working for you, you're welcome to just do a little pulse, lifting your hips up, and then back down, up and back down. If you're feeling like that hold is a little bit too much for you. You're most welcome to do that as an alternative. Just a little bit of a lift, and then coming back down. Breathing through here, staying nice and firm through the heels nice and strongly planted through the feet.</p> <p>13:39<br /> Breathe and through. You got this does matter have</p> <p>13:45<br /> you feeling a little bit Trembley doesn't matter what's happening there. We're just gonna hold as best as we can. Which means if you need to take a moment and break, that's totally okay. We're going to go for another 54321 hips come down on the floor, straining those legs out and just taking that moment. Breathing. I'm just going to pause here and we're going to take some nice full breaths in through the nose out through the mouth. If you don't feel good about going through your nose, just breathe whatever way feels right for you.</p> <p>14:34<br /> In through the nose out through the mouth that's the way you find your heart right slowly but this is a nice chance to just take some slower control breaths and slow that down</p> <p>15:00<br /> That's it.</p> <p>15:02<br /> And when we're ready, we're gonna sit up, however we feel we can get there.</p> <p>15:09<br /> We're gonna come to</p> <p>15:11<br /> sitting our legs out in front of us. With set kind of a comfortable distance away from our heels. We don't want to be too cramped, you can bring your hands to behind your body. And find that kind of middle point for your hips between your hands and your feet here. From here, once you've found that central position, make sure your fingers face away from your toes, we're going to come in to the so low, hold here, a nice low little crab hold. Firm through the heels firm through the hands. And we're just hovering our hips to set a little bit up off the floor. chin is tucked toward this gently toward your collarbones, you don't want to be kind of pushing your neck forwards or anything like that. If this is a little bit too much from your hands, you're welcome to do a lot of variation from your elbows here, same sort of thing. Find that position that works for you. So if you need to come from your elbows feel good about that, if the hold is too much, you're welcome to do almost a little pulse there. So lifting the hips, coming back down, lifting the hips and coming back down. So find what's gonna work for you. If you need to bring your hands a little bit further away. That's also totally okay. Resting as you need working with where your body's at with what feels right for you, because what I'm doing isn't necessarily going to be exactly what you're feeling good about doing. And that's totally okay.</p> <p>16:48<br /> Just taking your time here.</p> <p>16:52<br /> We're gonna hold for another 54321. hips come down, arms come away from behind us, feet come together, knees come together in front of us. Will going to sit ourselves back just until our fingertips reach our knees. And then we're going to sit ourselves forward. Again. slowly lowering ourselves back until our fingertips get to our knees, and then sitting forwards. Breathing through here, breathing out as you lower yourself down. Holding, sitting out breathing in that breathing pattern doesn't feel right for you. You can breathe however you want to breathe, don't feel like you've got to do it a certain way just because I'm saying really fine. What is feeling good for you. That slow, nice controlled, lowering back and then coming to sitting around but only going so far as you can so that your fingertips get to your knees, and then sitting forward from there.</p> <p>18:09<br /> That's the way we're gonna do another four. That's it. Three.</p> <p>18:25<br /> We're not rushing here to try and keep that nice, slow, controlled pace. Second, last one. And last one, we got to come to that sat back position fingertips to the knees, I'm going to hold their breathing into the nose out through the mouth. We're going to hold for 54321 Then we're going to slowly lower ourselves down towards the floor. Taking as much time as you can, crunching your ribs to the tops of your hips until you're all the way back down to sitting. When take a moment here. Breathing in through the nose out through the mouth. Perfect. When you're ready, we're going to come back to sitting.</p> <p>19:23<br /> Bringing our feet</p> <p>19:24<br /> to somewhere about hip width apart. Again, our hands come behind us to whatever position feels good for us or again going from your elbows, whatever feels right for you. And we're just going to gently lift up the floor. If you needed a little bit of a bend in your elbows there feel good about that. You don't necessarily want to lock them out because it's just not great for our elbows in general. So feel good about putting just a gentle bend into the elbow to take some of that pressure off. Hips just hovering here. If you want to increase the intensity, you can do a little march with your feet. So one foot at a time. Thumbs up, away from the floor, just bringing that knee gently towards your torso. If you don't feel good about doing that little March, you're welcome to just hold. If the hold is too much, you're welcome to just pulse. So hips come down, slowly lift them up, slowly lower and back down, slowly bring them back up just last kind of slow, controlled pulse, they're finding the way this movement works best for you.</p> <p>20:31<br /> It's perfect.</p> <p>20:36<br /> That's the way we're gonna go for another 54321 hips are going to come down, sitting forward coming off our hands, if we need to give them a little bit of a shake out there. Feel good about that. Sometimes I don't always used to having a lot of pressure on them. That's totally okay. We're going to set ourselves back up, feet come together, knees come together. Again, sitting forward, slowly lowering ourselves back until our fingertips come to our knees. And then sitting forward from there. Try to get you back as straight as you can here. As you do this, you don't want to kind of roll nice, straight back as much as you feel you're capable of doing. However,</p> <p>21:24<br /> that is perfect.</p> <p>21:25<br /> So don't worry too much about that.</p> <p>21:28<br /> Sitting back, coming forward nice and slow, nice and controlled.</p> <p>21:51<br /> Just taking your time here, really controlling that setback, the slower you go, the more challenge you're going to give yourself. So feel really good about that. Taking your time there and exploring what pace feels right for you. They give you that little bit of a challenge. But it's also very manageable. Because it's really what it's all about. There's no point of doing and if it becomes too much really quickly, we want to find that nice balance we're going on to the four vase</p> <p>22:28<br /> Three, Two more.</p> <p>22:37<br /> Last one, and on the bottom of this last one we're going to hold. So fingers come to the knees. And we'll just kind of hold their breathing through again, keeping you back as straight as you can as you do this. Breathing in through the nose, out through the mouth. Okay, things getting hard, squeeze your knees together, squeeze your legs together borrow some of that tension from your lower body there. We can always borrow attention when we creating tension within our body. We're going to hold rather 54321 We're going to slowly Laura selves down. Taking as much time as you can. Doesn't matter if that's as much time as me if it was faster if it's slower or good. And we're just going to come down to laying flat. We can stretch your arms and legs out here and want to take a moment and just breathe in through the nose</p> <p>23:41<br /> out through the mouth</p> <p>23:51<br /> slowing that heart rate down Just allow your body a moment to relax.</p> <p>24:06<br /> Perfect.</p> <p>24:09<br /> When you're ready, we're going to come to sitting again. But from sitting, we're gonna make our way over onto our hands and knees.</p> <p>24:25<br /> From here, hands can be anywhere from under your shoulders to out in front of you. Foam feels right for you. If your wrists aren't really keen on having a lot of pressure, you're welcome to prop your elbows up onto something that's sort of similar height to kind of your elbows to keep yourself nice and level. What we're going to do, we're going to take one leg it doesn't matter which leg we start with. We're going to extend it straight out. It's going to come back down. It's going to come out to the side, back down keeping that bend in the knee and then keeping the bend in the knee again. We're going to bring the heel straight up to the roof back down. So we straighten out, we come out to the side, we come heel up to roof. Nice and slow, nice and controlled here, out to the back, lift to the side, heel to the roof. That's it straight out to the back out to the side,</p> <p>25:34<br /> heel to the roof.</p> <p>25:37<br /> That's the way</p> <p>25:39<br /> straighten the leg</p> <p>25:42<br /> lifted to the side,</p> <p>25:44<br /> heel to the roof, just maintaining a nice slow controlled pace here. We're not rushing anything. And try to be as balanced as you can, it can be easy to kind of really lean away from this leg that we're moving. So doing your best to maintain a nice balance between your hands and the knee that is on the floor can be really helpful there.</p> <p>26:12<br /> That's it.</p> <p>26:13<br /> We're gonna run through this two more times. So out out to the side, heel to the roof. One more time, straighten the leg back. Lift to the side, heel to the roof. And then that knee is going to come back down to the floor. If you need to take a minute here, shake out those hands. If they're not used to having a lot of weight bearing. That's okay, what you can do back to the hands come together, keep him stuck their elbows dropped down towards the floor. Getting our wrists in the opposite direction that they go when we put our hands on the floor and we kind of wait bear with them. When you're ready, we're going to come back to hands and knees and we're going to go to the opposite side. So we take our second leg, we extend it straight back, back down,</p> <p>27:10<br /> out to the side, back down, heel to the roof. Extending straight back out to the side. Up to the roof, you might say I'd find this side feels different to the other side. That's okay, it's very likely that could be the case because our body each side moves so differently. And our stability on our sides can be very different, especially in positions like this. Just taking your time here, we're not rushing through. Oh, that was the wrong water. Let's try that again. leg out to the back. Like you have to decide. He will up to the roof. That's the way nice and slow, nice and controlled, extending that heel straight out to the back. lifting that leg to the side just getting to where we can get to heel to the roof. That side lift you might find is different on each side. It's totally okay, if that is the case. It's letting your body move where it's going to move. Past the way standing the heel straight back. lifting it out to the side. Heel to roof that's it that's the way we're gonna do four more of these</p> <p>28:50<br /> says four three</p> <p>29:03<br /> second last time, standing the heel straight out. Lifting leg out to the side. heel comes to roof. Last time, standing leg back, leg out to the side.</p> <p>29:19<br /> heel to the roof.</p> <p>29:21<br /> Back down on our hands and knees and we're just going to come to sitting. Shake those hands out. You can do some little wrist circles. Back to the hands come together. Knees come down. Elbows come down, not our knees. Elbows come down. Keeping the back of the hands there stretching out.</p> <p>29:41<br /> That's the way</p> <p>29:45<br /> getting warm now. All righty. Coming back over onto our backs</p> <p>29:58<br /> laying back down</p> <p>30:03<br /> settling ourselves in here. We're going to take your hands, I'm just going to bring them up to besides our ears here, so you don't want to head your grip your head or anything. Fingertips beside your head here, we're going to take our knees and we're going to bring our feet up on the floor, hold our knees bent at 90 degrees, we're going to extend one leg, and as we do the knee that is bent, we're going to crunch our abs, lift our shoulders and twist that elbow to reach that bent knee, come back down, swap sides. Just getting to wherever you can get to. The reason we don't want to grip our head here is because we don't want to be pulling ourselves up by our necks. So nice little rotation, a nice little lift of that shoulder, extending the opposite leg, of course, let that leg extend to wherever you're going to get to it doesn't have to be where mine is that it could be higher up in the air. That's totally okay. Just working with where your elbow to knee, extend the opposite leg.</p> <p>31:13<br /> Nice and slow, nice and controlled here. Maintaining at this middle point here, you law back, press nicely into the floor. And only extending that leg so far as you can that you maintain that pressure of your lower back into the floor. Let that be the indicator of where your leg reaches to. Don't try and stretch it out just because all because I am demonstrating it like that. Let your body tell you where you're at. And work with that, because that's what's going to keep you feeling good. It's what's going to keep you back safe. We're going to do another to each side. That's it. One more each side. And then just relaxing. feet come to the floor hands and come away from the sides of the head. Breathing. If you want to stretch your legs out there, stretch your arms out, get a nice big stretch for the stomach. You can do that take that moment. Breathing in through the nose, out through the mouth.</p> <p>32:24<br /> Perfect.</p> <p>32:27<br /> That's it. And when you're ready, setting yourself back up. Hands are going to come to under the backs of the hips here just to elevate our pelvis slightly. We're going to talk our knees up towards our torso getting to wherever you can get to you notice I'm not sitting on my hands here, my hands are quite free. I'm on the backs of my wrist because if we sit on our hands, we kind of crushed the little hand bones that we have. So hips on the backs of the wrist as best you can. We're going to extend both legs straight up. And then we're going to straighten your legs out but just getting to wherever you can get to. So it doesn't matter where that is. legs come up, legs straighten out. So maintaining a nice tight stomach there, lower your legs only so far as you can well you can maintain tightness through the core, you don't want your lower back to start arching. You want to stop before that point. Because that's when we stop using our stomach muscles and we just let the movement of our spine take over. And we don't want that. We want to make sure that we're moving in a way that's getting those stomach muscles really working. And again, your movement doesn't have to look like mine. It's gonna look like however your movement will look for you. Because that's how your body moves and that is perfect. It's been nice and slow here nice and controlled. Breathing in through the nose, out through your mouth.</p> <p>33:58<br /> That's it.</p> <p>34:02<br /> We're gonna do another four of these</p> <p>34:09<br /> three second, last one.</p> <p>34:19<br /> This is our last one. That's it knees come back to our starting position and then feet come to the floor and hop off your hands there and give your fingers a little bit of a wiggle. Shake him out.</p> <p>34:36<br /> Just taking a moment to breathe in through the nose out through the mouth. Again, if you feel like you want to stretch your arms up and get a little bit of a bit of length through your stomach there</p> <p>34:49<br /> if you're feeling that burn, that's totally okay just working with where you're at when you're ready bring In a backup of the floor, hands again come to the sides of our head. really mindful, you don't want to put your fingers behind your head at all, stay to the side because otherwise you really do even if you don't realize that you tend to start gripping the back your head, fingers side of the head, we're going to extend one leg, we're going to turn and we're going to bring that elbow to our opposite knee. Again, swapping sides, again, extending that leg only so far as you can, so that your low back remains in</p> <p>35:26<br /> contact with the floor.</p> <p>35:30<br /> Elbow to knee. Hence, the upside the head. Don't let them trick you into thinking that they can go behind. We want to roll across at the torso as far as you can bring that shoulder up off the floor as much as you feel comfortable to. Breathing through. That's it. We're gonna go for another 432</p> <p>36:01<br /> more.</p> <p>36:10<br /> Second, last one.</p> <p>36:15<br /> Last one</p> <p>36:17<br /> each side. Perfect. Knees come together. Fee come down to floor. Take that moment breathing through here which is resting</p> <p>36:39<br /> as the way</p> <p>36:43<br /> you need to stretch yourself out for good about that you can straighten your legs right out, you can reach your arms up. Keep your stomach just a little minute. Like it's okay little friend. We're going to get through this together. When you're ready to take your hands, we're going to bring them to under the backs of our hips again, sitting on the tops of our wrists. Knees are coming up off the floor, straightening your legs up towards the roof, extending your legs out. Remember only going so far with that leg extension as you can. Why by maintaining a nice controlled back, no arching through the lower back. Stopping before you reach that point, wherever that may be for you.</p> <p>37:28<br /> There's no right or wrong here. Nice and slow, nice and controlled. Breathing through, in through the nose out through the mouth</p> <p>37:52<br /> we're not rushing anything, we kind of keep a nice equal pace. The pace that we lift their legs up with is the pace that we extend them out with as well. So we don't want to do one section faster than the other section.</p> <p>38:08<br /> Just taking your time that's it, we're gonna do another four of these legs come up and then extending out the way maintaining that nice, bracing through the core. This is three doing really well.</p> <p>38:34<br /> Almost there. Don't hold your breath you want to breathe. second last one in through the nose out through the mouth. Just go a little bit shallower with that breath. Last one. Knees come back to our starting position. Hands come out from under our hips and then our feet come down to the floor. Give our hands and moment let the blood come back to them. Sometimes they can get a little bit crushed. Even when we are sitting more on the backs of our wrists they're breathing through, we're gonna finish off on our sides. You can have your hand just under your head for support. You can have it propped up. Whatever feels good for you. Knees are bent, 90 degrees stacked over the top of each other here. We're gonna hover about one fist distance, one knee above the other. We're gonna come up to halfway we're just going to a little pulse here and back down. A really short little pulse nice and slow. Nice English rolls are not rushing anything here. Just a little lift. Not even getting to like the halfway point of where we could probably get our leg raised up to so little short pulse here.</p> <p>39:59<br /> That's it Doing well, breathing through,</p> <p>40:09<br /> keep it going, keeping that Shin parallel with the floor. Sometimes our foot likes to lift up and kind of creep away on us, we want to make sure that that is not happening. It's doing your best to keep that leg nice and level. That's it, we're gonna go another four. Three, that's it, you got this second last one. Last one leg comes down, if you need to give that side bite a little bit of a punch there, get that lactic acid out, you're more than welcome to. I'm going to spin around, I'm going to spin around, you can just roll over if you like. And we're going to do the same thing on the other side. So, knees bent to 90 degrees, again, propped under the head or head just resting on your arm, whatever feels right for you. Hover that knee about one fist distance above. And then we're going to again, lift is a little pulse here. We're not going very far at all this is quite a small movement here. We want to keep it controlled, slow, steady pace, keeping the shin parallel with the floor. Breathing through in through the nose, out through the mouth</p> <p>41:40<br /> that's the way</p> <p>41:42<br /> slow and steady might find this side feels different to the other side. It might be easier, it might be harder. That's okay.</p> <p>41:49<br /> Each of our sides is different based on our handedness and based on what side is more dominant. Or it can also be influenced by things like injuries and stuff like that. It's doing your best here. We're going to go for another four, three, keeping it slow keeping you control we're not going fast. Second, last one and the last one. That's it and he comes down. Give that sidebar a little bit of punch of your life. Get that lactic acid out. We're going to come and move on Air France. Finishing off hands are going to come to the front of shoulders, which is going to come in a nice gentle cobra pose here. Looking up at the top, straighten your arms as much as you feel you can. If this is a little bit too much, you're welcome to go into a baby cobra. So elbows under the shoulders, looking up and just holding that nice little bend through the spine there. Sometimes our backs aren't used to coming into this position so it can be a little intense. So really start with where you're at a nice big stretch reference here, stretching out our stomachs looking up at the top, wherever that may be for you and coming back down</p> <p>43:24<br /> breathing through a mall last one. Perfect. Coming back down</p> <p>43:43<br /> upon our knees and then sitting, we're going to do our final movement. Two options, we're going to go a 9090 split. So one leg out in front knee bent at 90 degrees, one leg out to the side knee bent at 90 degrees coming forward over the front leg or you're welcome to go into a pigeon pose. So bringing that leg straight out behind you. So come on a little side on for your leg come straight up behind you. Front leg still there and just holding this position what we're really trying to do is stretch out our side butts. So find that position that works for you. I have preference for the 9090 split. But if you want to go pigeon pose, extend that leg, side leg here straight up behind you. You're most welcome. This coming forward over that front leg stretching out through the side of the hip. They're breathing in through the nose, out through the mouth taking your time here, you might find the longer you hold the position the more space you can get. Perhaps you can creep further a little bit forward more perfect if you can, if not just wherever you're at is all Good. You're gonna slowly walk your hands back up and we're going to swap sides. So our back leg or our side leg now comes to the front and our front leg comes to the side or out the back. And same thing again, just coming forward over that front leg. Oh my gosh, you might find that one side is far tighter than the other.</p> <p>45:23<br /> That's okay.</p> <p>45:25<br /> It might even surprise you. If we find that that is the case, you weren't expecting one side to be that tight. Oh, good. body moves, the way it moves. And that influences where we do and don't feel tight. And it influences each side of our body in different ways. It's feeling really good about that. Wherever it is you're at, regardless of what that may be on each side of your body.</p> <p>45:54<br /> It's taking that moment holding you find a little bit more space, you're welcome to creep yourself a little bit further forward. Get a little bit deeper into that stretch.</p> <p>46:03<br /> Breathing through</p> <p>46:06<br /> in through the nose out through the mouth</p> <p>46:15<br /> perfect,</p> <p>46:16<br /> and when you're ready. You can just make your way to sitting.</p> <p>46:22<br /> And we are done.</p> <p>46:24<br /> Thank you so much friends.</p>

Try Another Class?

Free Exercise Class 30

Free Exercise Class 30

This is a light to medium intensity bodyweight session with 7 minute intervals. Bowie Stover will be your trainer today. All you need is some comfortable clothes, a bit of floor space and a glass of water! Most of all have fun, stay safe and enjoy yourself.

Free Exercise Class 30

Free Exercise Class 29

This is a gentle 39 minute bodyweight session. All you need is some comfortable clothes, a bit of floor space and a glass of water! Most of all have fun, stay safe and enjoy yourself.

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